by dev | Jun 30, 2023 | Brian the Brian
We are delighted to hear that Annmarie Carvalho has been shortlisted for Wellbeing Champion at the 2023 Resolution Awards for her work in supporting family law practitioners and clients. Resolution Wellbeing Champion award 2023. Annmarie is no stranger to this award...
by dev | Jun 21, 2023 | Brian the Brian
Are you a leftie or a rightie? No, I’m talking about brains, not hands 🙌 ! Today we’re thinking about the left brain and the right brain. The left brain is the one that’s honed through all those years of studying law. Think analysis, logical thought, mathematics, and...
by dev | Jun 20, 2023 | Brian the Brian
Not something you hear every day, is it? But we think it’s crucial. This idea comes from Non-Violent Resistance (or NVR) Therapy, the principle being that it’s wise to delay difficult conversations until a heated situation has calmed down. Makes sense, right?...
by dev | Jun 15, 2023 | Brian the Brian
Have you ever had that situation where you take the way someone “says something” to you the wrong way? It gets heated, then awkward, then gets resolved? And your relationship is stronger for being able to deal with it in an open way? Having been in this situation...
by dev | May 3, 2023 | Brian the Brian
What’s a smell👃 or taste 🥘 or sound 🎵 that always takes you back in time 🕰️ ? And what do you think is your most emotional sense? Is it taste? Smell? Hearing? Sight? Touch? What do you reckon? Can our The Carvalho Consultancymascot Brian the Brain help us with this...
by dev | Mar 29, 2023 | Brian the Brian, Coaching For Lawyers, Family Law, Law
“Why don’t you just calm down?” Has anyone ever said this to you? Annoying, isn’t it? Taylor Swift even sang it in her song “You need to calm down” (I’m pretty sure she was being ironic…) There’s a reason why...