Does posting on Linked In about your messy life constitute a marketing strategy?

I think so!

This is why I entered TCC (The Carvalho Consultancy) in the Modern Law Award for ‘Marketing and Communications Strategy of the Year’. Because I think that people appreciate honesty.

And that maybe they don’t (always) want to hear from ultra glossy mental health ‘experts’ who claim they will:

– transform your life
– have 3 magic steps to success that will change your world forever
– all at a cost of only $MEGABUCKS per ‘revolutionary’ programme (which, by the way, you have to commit to for at least a year)

I tend to feel exhausted just reading these things.

I know these sorts of approaches can inspire confidence. But actually don’t people just want honesty? Someone who’s a bit flawed themselves? Who is willing to be truly reflective by saying “These are the ways in which I go a bit wonky in my life. And these are the tools and techniques I find helpful and which help me get back on track”.

At TCC (The Carvalho Consultancy) we don’t make promises we can’t keep. And I’m proud of that.

So hoorah for our shortlisting for Marketing & Communications Strategy of the Year and also the Supporting the Industry (1-25 employees) Award.

And while I’m on, I’d really appreciate your vote for Legal Personality of the Year at the Lexis Nexis Legal Awards 2025. Please consider voting for me.


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