Annmarie Carvalho
Annmarie is a trainer, therapist & therapeutic supervisor (and a non-practising lawyer and mediator!)

I am the founder of TCC and set up the agency in 2018 to help lawyers and other professionals to go from highly pressured to happy!
In my previous life, I was a family lawyer and mediator at Farrer & Co, one of the top London law firms, for over a decade.
Working on complicated divorce and finances cases and difficult disputes over children gave me crucial insight into how to manage tricky relationships and how to operate at the highest level in stressful situations.
I wanted to set up an agency made up of therapists and coaches, all who have worked at the highest echelons in their professions.
Who understand high-pressure industries inside out. And who could support both organisations and individuals, with huge credibility borne of our own experiences
Et voila, TCC was born!
We are trusted by some of the world’s top law firms and professional services organisations to provide therapy (individual and couples), training, in-house counselling and therapeutic supervision, both individually and in groups.
I also devised our ground-breaking Psychology of Law training sessions which are hugely popular. I have been at the forefront in helping lawyers and other professionals to work in more psychologically-informed ways.
What’s it like to work with me?
Well, I’m a lot more warm, informal and human than many therapists! I’m not afraid to talk about the messy stuff of life. And to admit to my own! I believe that my humanity and practical perspective is as important as the psychological theory underpinning it all. Having a wicked sense of humour also helps.
In my spare time, I spend time with my twin boys and baby girl, pet pug and family. I also love everything about murder mysteries, Spain and Latin America and running around our local parks.
